UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) issued a notification regarding Rejection of Applications due to non-payment of fee.
Subject: National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination (I) 2014 – Applications rejected due to non-payment of fee regarding. Confirmation has NOT been received from the Bank Authorities  regarding receipt of Fee of Rs. 100/- in respect of following
candidates for NDA&NA Examination (I) 2014.  In view of the provisions contained in the Commission’s Note  for the above examination published in the Employment News dated  21-12-2013 and uploaded on the Commission’s website, applications  of all these candidates for the said examination have been rejected.  Appeal against rejection, if any, may be made within 10 (ten)  days from the date of this mail along with the documentary evidence  by speed post OR by hand only to Shri Bhupendar Singh, Under
Secretary (NDA), Union Public Service Commission, Room No. 409, Ayog Sachivalaya Building, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi-110069 failing which no correspondence will be entertained by this office.
Note :
(i) If you have paid/deposited the fee through cash mode in the State Bank of India/designated banks, please submit the bank-pay-in-slip (In original).
(ii) If you have paid the fee through debit/credit cards of through internet banking of authorised banks,please submit a copy of your debit/Credit Card Statement or Bank Account Statement as the case may be
