A) Compulsory Subjects:
Sr. No. Name of the subject Maximum marks in theory Minimum pass marks in theory Maximum marks in practical Minimum pass marks in practical CCE Total marks
1  English(Core/Elective)  80 27 20 100
2  Hindi(Core/Elective)            (Only for Humanities group)   80 27 20 100
3  General Awareness & Life Skills ( Internal Assessment for school candidates: grading on five point scale)  

4 Co-curricular Activities a)Sports and Games  b). Cultural/Literary/ Scientific activities/ NCC/Scouts and Guides ..
5 Computer Education

HUMANITIES GROUP (Any three out of these subjects)
Sr. No. Name of the subject Maximum marks in theory Minimum pass marks in theory Maximum marks in practical Minimum pass marks in practical CCE Total marks
1 Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi 80 27 20 100
2 History 80 27 20 100
3 Political Science 80 27 20 100
4 Economics 80 27 20 100
5 Sociology 80 27 20 100
6 Philosophy 80 27 20 100
7 Mathematics     80 27 20 100
8 Public Administration 80 27 20 100
9 Geography        60 20 20 07 20 100
10   Psychology 60 20 20 07 20 100
11 Physical Education 60 20 20 07 20 100
12 Agriculture        60 20 20 07 20 100
13 Home Science 60 20 20 07 20 100
14 Military Science 60 20 20 07 20 100
15 Computer Science         40 14 40 13 20 100
16 Music 30 10 50 17 20 100
17 Dance 30 10 50 17 20 100
18 Fine Arts     (Painting/Graphics/Sculpture/Applied Arts/Commercial Arts)              30 10 50 17 20 100
19 Any one out of the following subject:- 1. Computer Techniques 2-Office Secretary-ship and     Stenography in Hindi 3 Office Secretary-ship and     Stenography in English 4.Accountancy and Auditing 5. Marketing and Salesmanship


Science Group:       (Any four out of these subjects)
Sr. No. Name of the subject Maximum marks in theory Minimum pass marks in theory Maximum marks in practical Minimum pass marks in practical CCE Total marks
1 Hindi (Core/Elective)/ Sanskrit/Urdu/Punjabi 80 27 20 100
2 Mathematics     80 27 20 100
3 Physics 60 20 20 07 20 100
4 Chemistry 60 20 20 07 20 100
5 Biology 60 20 20 07 20 100
6 Home Science 60 20 20 07 20 100
7 Agriculture 60 20 20 07 20 100
8 Geography 60 20 20 07 20 100
9 Biotechnology   60 20 20 07 20 100
10 Computer Science         40 14 40 13 20 100
